
Northern Business Achievement Awards event survey.

Questions marked with a * are required
Thanks so much for taking this survey which will take you 1 minute to complete. All information we collect from the seven questions is completely anonymous and is only used by NORTH Link internally to help us continuously improve our events to make them as worthwhile as possible for you. We are listening to what you have to say. Regards, Stephen J, NORTH Link.
Considering your complete experience attending the Northern Business Achievement Awards (NBAA), how likely are you to recommend attending an NBAA event to others?0 Very Unlikely to 10 Very Likely
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
What was/were your reason(s) for attending the event? (select one or many)
Please rate your satisfaction with the following parts of the event.
Very DissatisfiedSomewhat DissatisfiedNeutralSomewhat SatisfiedVery Satisfied
Key Speakers and presenters
Panel discussion
Networking opportunity
Food and drink
The venue
The service
How could we improve future events? [Type n if no answer]
How important were each of the following factors in your decision to attend the NBAA Awards?
Very UnimportantSomewhat UnimportantNeutralSomewhat ImportantVery Important
Reputation of NBAA events
Quality of other business attending
Reputation of the organiser, NORTH Link
Representative for my business
How did you hear about the event? (select one or many)
Who paid for your ticket for the event?
What event, opportunity or advocacy would you like NORTH Link to develop to help your business grow successfully? [Type n if no answer or hit Done]
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