Thank you for your interest in this study.
The aim of this research is to learn more about our sporting communities and what work is currently being done across our sports clubs and associations in relation to preventing and responding to gender-based violence. When we talk about gender-based violence we mean harmful acts directed at an individual based on their gender.
The survey has four sections. The first three sections ask about you, your role in sport, and the place where you participate in sport. The fourth section asks about gender-based violence. These questions are mostly taken from the National Community Attitudes Survey, which is a survey conducted in Australia every four years. There is also an additional set of questions for those who indicate they have a leadership role in sport. These will appear at the end of the first section of the survey.
We want to know more about our sporting communities and what they are doing so we can work with them early next year to co-design appropriate initiatives and resources.
Below is a link to Participant Information. This information can be viewed online and also downloaded for you to keep. Please read this information and ensure that any questions you may have about the study have been answered to your satisfaction.
Participant Information Whilst we do not ask you about your own experiences of gender-based violence, you may feel some discomfort when answering some of the questions in this survey. You can exit the survey at any time if you don’t want to continue. Also, if you experience discomfort during or after you participate in this study, you can access resources that are listed in the Participant Information link above. Details of these services also appear during and at the end of the survey.
Please note: this survey is for people aged 16 years and over, and those who live in the Loddon Campaspe or Barwon regions only.
By clicking on Start Survey below, you are confirming that:
You have read and understood the Participant Information, and any questions have been answered to your satisfaction. You agree to participate in the study, you know you can withdraw at any time until the collection of your data. You agree information provided by you or with your permission during the project may be included in a thesis, presentation and published in journals on the condition that you cannot be identified.
You understand your information collected for this research study will be only used for this specific study
If you would like to receive a copy of the results via email or post, please contact Dr Kirsty Forsdike at and she will provide you with any publicly available study results when they become available.